These Filo Pistachio Roses are a delicate Diwali treat. They are not just a delicious treat; they are a work of art, delicate and beautiful. These crispy and golden pastries filled with aromatic pistachio and a touch of saffron and…
Ras Malai & Barfi Macarons
These Ras Malai and Barfi Macarons are perfect for Diwali. They have the flavours you crave from Indian sweets and are effectively luxe versions, I think. I have two filling recipes for you. One is made with white chocolate for…
Sweet Diwali Recipes
Diwali is a time for indulging in all those sweet treats. From the classic barfi to the indulgent ras malai macarons. Here are sweet Diwali recipes you need to try out. Super Easy Tutti Frutti Ice-cream The ice-cream is so…
Chocolate Divas /Diyas /Candles
This Diwali I wanted to create something different. I settled on these Chocolate Divas /Diyas /Candles. This Diwali I thought I would try an alternative sweet and I saw a you tube video on chocolate diyas/ candles. This was where…