Shaker Cookies not only look cute, they are tasty. This recipe can be used for all shaker cookies including Christmas Globe ones.
These shaker cookies are made by filling the centre of the hollow heart cookies with melted isomalt. Once the isomalt sets, the cookie is filled with sprinkles then sandwiched together with another isomalt filled cookie to create the shaker.

What is Isomalt
Isomalt is a sugar substitute and is used in a lot of sugar art. There are mixed reviews on whether it is good or bad for you. I go with the theory that everything in moderation is fine. It is made from beet sugar.
I have found the best way to use Isomalt for these cookies is not to add water. Some recipes call for water. Whenever I have tried to add in water the Isomalt has not yet. The portions recommended are 1 Cup Isomalt to 1/8 cup water. It is recommended to add this once the Isomalt is melted.
When working with melted Isomalt be very careful. It is just like hot sugar and will burn your straight away.
Sugar Cookies Recipe
Ingredients for vanilla sugar cookies:
- 113g room temperature butter
- 100g granulated sugar
- 1 small beaten egg at room temperature
- 1/2 tbsp vanilla essence
- 225g plain flour
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
instructions on how to make sugar cookies:
- Cream the butter and sugar until light and creamy (around 5 minutes).
- Add in the egg and vanilla essence and beat again. It should be well combined.
- Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt.
- Gradually add in the flour mixture. Beat on low speed until it is all combined.
- Finally use your hand to combine the dough all together.
- Wrap the dough in cling film then freeze for about 20 minutes.
- Take the dough out the freezer then shape your heart cookies.
- You need two heart cookie cutters that are different sizes.
- Roll out the dough in between two baking sheets or paper.
- Use the bigger heart to cut out the first heart.
- Peel off the excess dough, cover with cling film and place in the fridge for 10 minutes.
- Now use the smaller cutter to cut the inner heart out. Once you have used the cutter, place the dough in the fridge so it hardens slightly before peeling off the inner heart. You may find that the inner hearts will peel off as you use the cookie cutter.
- Using a chilled dough will stop the outer heart losing shape and make it easier to peel off the inside heart. I also like to use a baking m at to aid this process.
- Continue until all the dough is used up.
- You will have a combination of big and small hearts.
- Stick these hearts in the fridge for 10 minutes before baking.
- Bake for about 10-12 minutes in a preheated (180 degrees Celsius) oven.
- Once baked let them cool.
- Pair the cookies for the hearts so you have a top and bottom. One half facing up and the other facing down.

How to make shaker cookies
To mix up the cookies and save time, with this batch you can have a combination of small, plain and shaker heart cookies.
Here is what you need to make the shaker cookies:
- Your baked sugar cookies
- 1 cup Isomalt crystals (Squires Kitchen is what i use)
- Royal icing
- Sprinkles
Royal Icing Recipe
Ingredients for royal icing
- 1 tbsp meringue powder
- 3 tbsp water (plus more of too thick)
- 160g icing sugar
- gel colouring (pink and red)
how to make royal icing for cookie decorating
- Whisk the meringue powder and water in a bowl until foamy
- Add the icing sugar, and whisk on medium speed until stiff and thick
- You do not want runny icing or else your cookies will get flooded
- It is always better to start with a thick icing and then add in a bit of water at a time
- Colour your royal icing according to what you like. These were Valentines so I went with plain (white), red and pink. You can place the icing in piping bags and leave them to one side.
- Melt the Isomalt in a pan with a handle. You need to heat the isomalt between 160 – 170 degrees celcius. It will be bubbling. Once it gets to the correct temperature turn off the heat. While it is heating up gently stir it once. Let the bubbles settle before using.
- On your silicone mat, line up your cookies cut out cookies. Half upright and half upside down. Place a teaspoon (depending on the size of the cookies) of melted Isomalt in the middle of each of the hearts for the shakers. The reason for turning half the hearts over is so you get the Isomalt to set on the top of one and bottom of the other, leaving a gap in between for the sprinkles. Let the Isomalt dry. This should take around 30 minutes max.
- On one half add in some sprinkles. Then pipe some royal icing around the cookie and stick the other half onto it. Let this harden then you have your shaker cookie. Some people prefer to add an extra cookie in between to create a bigger gap for sprinkles. If effect you have a 3 cookie sandwich.
- Decorate them how you wish. I only decorate the top half. Working with royal icing comes with practice. You soon get the hang of the consistency you need. I enjoy having a medium consistency mixture then piping the different colours before using a toothpick to create patterns.
- Let these dry overnight.

Hope you get to make these cookies. Send me a message if you have any questions. If you love sweet treats, try these orange sugar cookies with edible flowers.
[…] some more ideas? How about these Valentines Shaker Cookies or some of my other ones like Biscoff […]